operating systemLinux
Video compression algorithmH 265
video Resolution1024 * 768 / 1280 * 1024 / 1920 * 1080P
video Output1 VGA HDMI
operating systemLinux
Video compression algorithmH 265
video Resolution1024 * 768 / 1280 * 1024 / 1920 * 1080P
video Output1 VGA HDMI
operating systemLinux
Video compression algorithmH 265
video Output1 VGA HDMI
audio compression8kHz * 16bit ADPCM
operating systemLinux
Video compression algorithmH 265
video Resolution1024 * 768 / 1280 * 1024 / 1920 * 1080P
video Output1 VGA HDMI
NVR network video surveillance kits is fully interconnected peripherals. This equipment is very convenient for those who are looking for a good solution for the protection of the apartment, porch, or country house.